Have you ever felt like crap when you got to your destination and just slept for the first day of your vacation? It sucks doesn’t it to burn one day like that. Thankfully, there are some useful tools and tricks you can utilize to hit the ground running so you don’t have to waste a second of precious vacation time. The first thing you should do is buy at least a couple of liters of spring water when you get past security. We are made of almost 80% water so it’s very important that you find the highest grade water to drink possible. Water does everything for you from detoxifying your body to replenishing your fluids and giving you the energy to fuel all your functions. Spring water is negatively charged, alkalized, mineralized vortexed ez water from mother nature. Ez water is the most bioavailable type of water as described by the founder Dr. Gerald Pollack PhD in his book “Cells, gells and the engines of life”. The second thing you should do is fast from the time you start traveling, to your first meal at the local time that you’re traveling to. Fasting in this context does wonders for jetlag. There are many toxins you encounter in your environment when you travel by air. You compound this situation every time you eat. Your stomach expends a lot of energy to digest your food. There are other toxins present that sap your energy as well. The airplane acts like a huge metal cylindrical tube that magnifies the harmful effects of emfs. Also, the recycled air they pump into the plane is terrible. A good tip is to sit as close to the front as possible as that is where the air quality is better. The airline food they feed you is very low quality and is full of preservatives and flavor enhancers. You’re not getting a gourmet organic meal for an economy flight so wake up and smell the powdered coffee. Even if you’re flying first class, the food quality is only slightly higher grade. You should fast till its time to eat the first meal in the local time zone. This really helps in resetting your circadian rhythm. In addition, you should invest in a good set of blue-blocking glasses as you are being pummeled in all directions by junk l.e.d and florescent lights the minute you get to the airport. When you are on the airplane, it’s a good idea to get up and walk around every 30 minutes. Then try to incorporate a mini stretching routine while you’re at it to increase blood flow and range of motion of body parts. This helps stretch out your muscles and keeps the flow of qi in your body going. We are all energy beings so if you’re not moving once in a while, your qi energy gets blocked. This, in turn, creates a toxic build-up of stagnate energy in your body. Another useful tip is to bring a yoga strap with you. It’s super light and portable and can be an amazing tool to help you stretch out your back and arms. Just make your way to the little lobby by the washrooms or near the back and you can do a little stretch routine from 3-15min. Plus you can use the strap almost anywhere else. This includes waiting for the bathrooms, waiting to board, waiting for your luggage, etc. Another good trick is to purchase noise-canceling headphones. The roar from the jets creates a form of noise pollution that your body is constantly trying to filter out and that takes energy. You don’t even realize it after a while as your ears get used to the noise but it’s not good for you. All these micro toxins on your body are accumulative. You won’t feel them at first, but over time, they wipe you out. Compound that with the time zone difference and you find yourself a walking zombie when you’ve arrived at your destination. The more you can cut out or eliminate these toxins, the more you can recover faster from jet lag. Then you will have more time to enjoy your vacation.

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