About The Book

“Simple Treasures” was also the very first poem I wrote when I was backpacking Europe, circa 1996. It was written in Bruge, Belgium in a beautiful hostel with a terrazza on the roof.  I met some very wise and deep thinkers and philosophers and we had a big discussion about why we exist, what’s the meaning of life and what’s our purpose. That night, I couldn’t sleep as I was filled with inspiration from our discussion. I tossed and turned and my mind was hyper active with this poem forming in my head.  I was suddenly  guided by a divine source to go up to the terrazza with a pen and paper. That day while watching the beautiful sunrise, this poem channeled through me onto the paper effortlessly. I have been writing poetry on and off ever since. I would also like to collaborate on a future hard copy of this book with diffrent artists. Basically, they would choose a poem that most resonates with them and either draw or paint their interpretation of that poem. It would be a 45/45 split with 10% going towards supporting the peaceful protest going on at Fairy Creek on Vancouver Island. They are logging ancient old-growth forests and we are peacefully protesting through legal means and direct action. For more information or to donate directly to this cause, please go here

About the author.

Hello, my name is Sorriso. My passion is personal growth in mind, body, and spirit. I’m obsessed with learning and experimenting with new ways to grow in those areas. I have a wide range of interests which include: yoga, biohacking, fitness, quantum physics, metta physics, nutrition, ancestral living, and eating food as medicine. I also try to learn from the greatest thinkers and thought leaders on the planet. My website, TriOneness.com, is a play on words to remind you to train your mind, body, and spirit in unison. Each side needs to be equally strong to make an indestructible triangle. They push on each other equally for support. When there is an imbalance, you are not really whole. Most people don’t work on all three and only work on one or two aspects of this equation. For example, you find a lot of people working on bettering their minds and their bodies, but they neglect their spiritual side. They read a lot of books and stay fit by going to the gym. However, they neglect things that are good for their spirit like yoga and meditation or even listening to their favorite music. Furthermore, to work on your spirit is not only these aspects. Things that make you come alive and inspire you are also important like pursuing your passions and purpose.
