Are You Aware of the Dangers of Blue Light?


Try to limit the time that you are on all screens. They are too blue on the light spectrum. It is a form of light pollution for your eyes because they are constantly trying to filter that radiation out when you stare at the screen.

 This makes you feel tired, lethargic and needing more rest. It has also been shown that blue light hinders our body’s melatonin production. This reduces sleep quality and disrupts your sleep cycle.

 Luckily for those of us who make a living in front of screens, there is an amazing  hacks for that. You can get Ra Optics premium  blue-blocking glasses that effectively reduce this strain on your eyes.

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 There is also a free program called f.lux that automatically calibrates your computer’s light settings to minimize this effect. Lastly, the iPhone and most cell phones have a night setting on them to automatically adjust this for you. Just look in your settings.

 If you have children, pay attention to their digital consumption. There have been numerous studies that confirm that prolonged exposure to video games, t.v, tablets, etc. have really detrimental effects on their cognitive and psychological development. These include restlessness, sleep disorders, lack of social engagement, and addiction to their electronic toys to name a few.

 Try to limit their screen time to a maximum of 3 hours tops That is being very lenient. Less is always better if possible. It’s good to lead by example so unless your work involves computers, best to follow your own advice.



Why Ra Optics?

Founder, Matt explains the amazing benefits of Ra Optic glasses

My name is Matt Maruca.

As a young kid, I struggled constantly with debilitating headaches, allergies, and gut issues. I spent years trying Western medical drugs, Eastern diets and herbs, and modern diets and supplements to find healing, but nothing worked.

 All these treatments did was mask the symptoms. Four years ago, I learned about mitochondria, and everything changed. Mitochondria are the little engines in our cells that keep us alive by burning our food with oxygen to make water and energy.

 When we’re young, our mitochondria work very well. As we age, they slowly lose their efficiency.I discovered that “health” is a synonym for “how well our mitochondria work”.

 When our bodies make energy well, we feel energized and can live a peak performance life. When mitochondrial production starts to decline, we begin feeling fatigued and worn out.We lose our edge, and worse yet, we become susceptible to all kinds of modern chronic diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer’s, obesity, diabetes, autism, autoimmune diseases, and even depression.

 All chronic diseases are mitochondrial, meaning they manifest when mitochondria are severely damaged. That explained what was causing my health issues. But what had caused my mitochondria to become damaged?

 Mitochondria are “electromagnetic” in nature, which means that their ability to process food and make energy is controlled by light. Every night, a hormone called melatonin helps to repair our mitochondria while we sleep.

 The problem was, I was sabotaging myself with my late-night TV, phone, and computer use, destroying my melatonin level and my mitochondria. The Blue Light frequencies in devices mimic the sun and tricked my brain into thinking it was daytime and that I didn’t need to sleep. Guess what?

 The most important time for mitochondrial repair is during SLEEP. This explained why diet alone was not enough to help me feel better. It also explained why so many people still struggle when diet and exercise are their only strategies for health.

 Focusing on diet, exercise, and supplements alone to improve health is like focusing only on the gas when trying to fix a car with a broken engine. It’s not enough. I had to find a way to reset my circadian rhythm so my mitochondria could get the rest and repair needed.

 I began going outside to spend time in the natural sunlight during the day to trigger melatonin production, then wearing blue light blocking safety goggles at night to trigger melatonin secretion. It worked!

 I was sleeping better and feeling much more healthy and rested. The downside was the goggles weren’t stylish. I never felt comfortable wearing them in public or to parties because rather than a conversation-starter, they were a conversation-killer.

 I began shopping around for an effective, high-quality pair that still looked stylish. The ones I found felt low quality and still looked really unattractive. That’s when I decided to make my own.

 I started by turning people’s existing glasses into Blue Blockers. Demand exploded, and I launched our own line, Ra Optics, named for the Egyptian god of the sun, of natural light, medicine, and health. Ra Optics offers high-quality, attractive frame styles combined with the Gold Standard of Blue Light Blocking Technology.

 Our lenses are made by the world’s top quality lens manufacturer and are infused with pigments specifically designed to absorb all harmful blue light frequencies, while providing superior optics. By choosing Ra Optics, you are not only purchasing The World’s Finest Blue Blockers; you are investing in a mission to change the world by teaching people what health really means, and how to build it.

Our health may be created by the light from outside, but it all begins with the light from within. Shine on,

 Matt Maruca, Founder and CEO


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The Preferred Blue Light Glasses of Leading Health and Wellness Experts

Ben Greenfield
America’s Top Personal Trainer and New York Times Bestselling Author of “Beyond Training” and “Boundless” a complete encyclopedia of mind, body and health fitness. 


Darin Olien
Superfood Hunter and Creator of #1 Netflix Series “Down to Earth” with Zac Efron


Paul Chek
The “Godfather” of Modern Holistic Health and Fitness



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