Mind Body Spirit Strong. All Day Long

7 Most Profound Benefits of Dry Fasting

7 Most Profound Benefits of Dry Fasting

So what exactly is an extended dry fast, what are the benefits, and how do you do it? Dry fasting is exactly what it sounds like. No food or water for the duration of the fast. Now before you even think about doing a dry fast, you have to have experience with at least a year of doing the following 3 or more types of fasts. I’ve tried them all. Daily intermittent fasting, 5/2 fast, Omad (one meal a day) extended fast of 1,3,7 days and time restrictive eating. I even tried a 30 day water fast to test my limits

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Travel Hacks to Recover Quicker from Jetlag

Have you ever felt like crap when you got to your destination and just slept for the first day of your vacation? It sucks doesn’t it to burn one day like that. Thankfully, there are some useful tools and tricks you can utilize to hit the ground running so you don’t have to waste a second of precious vacation time.

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Tri-inspiration of the day – Introducing speed yoga

Tri-inspiration of the day – Introducing speed yoga

For many of us, life is go go go, all the time! It's important to stop what you're doing when you realize you're burning out. Yoga is amazing to restore and re-energize you. But who has time for a one hour class right? May I introduce a new concept? Speed yoga! 3...

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