Those who know me, know that I have almost endless amounts of energy. This is one of my secrets. The importance of a morning routine. This is the single most important habit you should nail down if you want to realize your highest potential. Anyone who you admire who is where you want to be, has one. Below is my daily morning routine and I hope that it will inspire you to start one. If you have one, I hope it will give you some other ideas to optimize your own routine.

Mind – I let myself wake up naturally. I follow my circadian rhythm most times. (sleep and rise with the sun.) I’m what they call an early bird. This is optimal for performance. Note: there are 4 different chronotypes, not all people are the same. You have to educate yourself on which one you are according to your circadian rhythm and follow that.

I wake up to complete darkness. This is crucial for sleep quality. Your skin actually have light receptors and will release cortisol if there is even a slight indication of light. Thats the main hormone to signal your body to wake up. If there is light, your body is unable to go into proper deep R.E.M sleep

I keep all devices on airplane mode or switched off. They emit harmful electromagnetic frequencies(emf) that is slowly cutting down your energy. We emit our own emf’s and the stronger emf’s from the devices actually overpower this and hinders all the systems and processes of our bodies. I do like to fall asleep sometimes to binaural beats, positive affirmations, or my favorite audiobook. When I do this, I wear my bluetooth earbuds and put the device as far from me as possible. Yes, they do emit traces of emf but the effects are negligible through my research. And when you wake up, pls don’t reach for the phone the first thing you do. Like Jim Qwik (memory expert) emphasizes: You are giving your free will to a machine. You have become a slave to your device. Plus there’s a thing called decision fatigue. When you’re busy checking/ answering emails, facebook, instagram… you are using all your crucial decision-making processes for all these mundane things. Then when it’s time to execute on choices that will further you along on the path of your dreams, you can’t. Your brain is already fried and you feel like you need a break! You go back to the endless distraction of social media and other distractions. You get caught up in this vicious cycle and your dreams fall by the wayside.

Body – As soon as I get up, I start doing Wim Hof breathwork. I’ve tried many different pranayama’s and this one by far is the best one of them all. There are many forms of breathwork for different things. Some relax you, some give you energy, some take you out of fight or flight mode, boost your immunity, etc. But this one does them all and then some! Plus you have an amazing sense of euphoria after because you actually release traces of DMT when you do it. I’m practicing the advanced version of this pranayama by doing 30 push-ups on the last round. This boosts your VO2 max. (your body’s ability to recover faster under stress) I also let in as much sunlight as I can to wake up and supercharge my body while I”m doing this. Sunlight is the optimal light for us so it’s imperative we do this first thing in the morning to give us energy which will carry us throughout the day. If its winter and it’s still dark out, no problem. There’s a trio-hack โ„ข you can use. They sell these S.A.D lamps online. (seasonal affective disorder) that mimic the light spectrum from the sun.

Spirit – Right after the breathwork, I meditate in front of the window or my lamp. I’ve also tried many types of meditation. I’m currently doing transcendental meditation, a form of mantra meditation. Some of the world’s top performers in any field, have this practice. The people I admire the most are Hugh Jackman, Ray Dalio, Ellen Degeneres, etc. have this practice. They rave about it and said it has changed their lives. Success leaves clues. Think like the best and eventually you will be among the best. I also have a gratitude and karma yoga practice. Right after my meditation, I write down 3 things or people I’m grateful for and 3 random acts of kindness I can do that day to show my appreciation or just to show love and brighten up someone’s life who is having a bad day. The science is in, gratitude, forgiveness, love, kindness, etc are the emotions you need to raise your frequency and vibration to their highest levels. The people you admire the most are vibrating at insane levels. You can just feel it when they walk in the room. Plus disease cannot exist at such high frequencies as they feed off of low vibrating emotions to exist. Fear, hate, ignorance, lack, and negative thought patterns like comparing yourself to others are prime examples. Finally, I drink about 13 ounces of mountain spring water with a drop of lime or lemon organic essential oil. Mountain spring water because that is the purest and most bioavailable water you can get for your body. We are almost 80% water so it’s crucial you find the best water available. The lime/lemon essential oil is a great hack because it alkalizes the water but doesn’t have the natural sugar that will break your intermittent fast. Fasting in general is so good for you. More about the benefits of fasting here

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla

Tri-Oneness today

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