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So what the heck is trio-hacking, you may ask? Trio-hacking is the art of stacking 3 or more bio-hacks together.

This improves efficiency in optimizing yourself and all your body’s systems for maximum performance. Bio-hacking is using the latest technology, knowledge, and science to optimize your body.

It was coined by Dave Asprey founder of bulletproof products and a huge line of human optimization tools, books, podcasts, blogs, and courses.

I have successfully completed his course on human optimization at The Human Potential Institute. Trio-hacking is my own take on bio-hacking.

Trio-hacking is basically the art of stacking 3 or more bio-hacks together to improve efficiency as well as performance.

Time is a valuable commodity, once it’s gone, you can never get it back. We all have dreams and visions we want to realize and not enough time to actualize them.

Add to that the responsibilities of taking care of yourself, your family, and financial obligations, this list seems impossible to tackle.

Every edge counts. That’s why it’s crucial to function at your best always and do it the most efficient way as humanly possible.

Enter the art of Trio-hacking.™ Here are 3 examples from some of my many own ways to trio-hack.

Trio-hack 1

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is go onto my Pemf mat. Turn on my red light therapy panel to bathe my entire body, and start my Wim-Hof Breathwork and push-ups.

P.e.m.f is short for pulse wave electromagnetic field therapy. It was discovered by N.A.S.A by accident.

When they first shot astronauts into space for extended periods of time, they started getting sick. They couldn’t figure it out and started to research the issue extensively.

They discovered that the earth has a magnetic frequency around 7.83Hz called the Schumann Resonance. After the physicist who discovered it named Winfried Schumman.

All life forms are affected by this frequency and function optimally around this frequency.

When the astronauts were put into outer space, they were separated from the earth therefore not having access to this frequency and becoming ill in the process.

This technology is produced by the use of electromagnets and has already been used in hospitals, veterinary clinics, and high tech treatment facilities for decades.

Home models have just recently been available on the market. They act as a battery booster and charge your over 70 trillion cells.

This, in turn, boosts all your cellular functions and mitochondria. For more info on how you can get your own P.E.M.F mat, go here,


2. Red light therapy, both near and far-infrared panels are amazing for healing, boosting immunity and mitochondria, and boosting collagen production for your skin.

I use it to supercharge my body for lasting and sustaining energy throughout the day. It’s recommended to have at least 15 min. of sunlight when you first wake up for optimal performance.

This is the next best thing and especially in the winter when the sun does not rise so early. I recommend red light therapy 3 times a day.

No more as too much of it starts to break down the body as it up-regulates reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide that can cause gene mutations or cell damage in high concentrations.

I do Wim Hof breath hold push-ups every single day as soon as I get up. Also when I need it for a quick boost in mental clarity and energy.

The many benefits include:

  • improving concentration
  • improving your mental well-being
  • increasing willpower
  • increasing your energy
  • managing some fibromyalgia symptoms
  • relieving some symptoms of depression
  • relieving stress
  • improving sleep
  • boosting your immunity

Plus I like to add hard variation push-ups like diamond, archer, and clap push-ups on the last round to improve my VO2 max. That’s your body’s capacity to utilize oxygen more efficiently under stress.

The more you push your VO2 max, the more you can recover faster with less effort. I aim to do at least 30 on the last round of the method, while holding my breath.

Trio-hack 2

I’m utilizing a huge trio hack stack while I’m writing this blog. I have on  Ra-optics premium anti-blue blocking glasses while I’m typing this. Get 10% off with my discount code here. They are the preferred blue light glasses of leading health and wellness experts like:

Ben Greenfield
America’s Top Personal Trainer and New York Times Bestselling Author of “Beyond Training” and “Boundless”

Darin Olien
Superfood Hunter and Creator of #1 Netflix Series “Down to Earth” with Zac Efron.

Paul Chek
The “Godfather” of Modern Holistic Health and Fitness.

Also, I’m listening to binaural beats for focus and creativity. In addition, I’m chewing 2mg of pure nicotine gum and dosed with 5mg of aniracetam which is a nootropic to enhance my cognitive function.

Finally, I’m shining an L.E.D infrared light on my face and body while I’m typing. That’s a whopping 6 bio-hacks I’m using at the same time!

Here’s what I’m doing in more detail. Ra – Optics Anti-blue blocking glasses are highly recommended when you are working on any screens. Most lights are now LED’s which is a form of micro toxin for your eyes. Get 10% off with my special discount code here

Your eyes are constantly trying to filter them out and that takes energy. The more energy you need to do that, the less you have to do other things. Plus you need more recovery time to recharge earning you get eye strain and also need more sleep to replenish.

Also blue light hinders melatonin production which is your brain’s main sleep hormone which is a huge factor in your sleep quality. That’s why it’s also recommended not to look at any screens for 2 hours or at least 30min. before bed to negate the compound effects of blue light.

Another interesting fact to know is that the lenses actually have to be orange or amber to effectively block out the harmful blue lights. The ones that are clear and advertised as blue blockers don’t work.

They do block out some blue light but it’s a very tiny amount. That’s why they are physically clear lenses.

Binaural beats are an amazing way to hack your way to different brainwave states for different purposes. These include learning new things and inducing meditative states.

You can even get into more receptive states to reprogram the subconscious mind to change negative habits and behaviors that have been stuck there since childhood.

Binaural beats are created with the use of headphones. You introduce a certain frequency into the left ear and that of another into the right ear.

Your brain tries to harmonize the two by combining them and creating one unifying frequency called a binaural beat.

Together with soothing background music, you can manipulate the frequencies to get you into different altered states of alpha, beta, theta, delta, gamma, or a combination of those states.

There are numerous free ones you can find on youtube. The one I’m listening to now for focus and creativity is this one.


Nootropics, or “smart drugs,” are a class of substances that can boost brain performance.

They are sometimes called cognition enhancers or memory-enhancing substances.

Pure nicotine in a microdose of 2mg is such a smart drug.

Not to be confused with cigarettes which are carcinogenic when combusted and contains a whole host of other harmful chemicals when grown with pesticides and to add to their addictive nature to make you a slave to the commercial tobacco industry.

Anaracetam is a fat-soluble nootropic and should be taken with a healthy fat for the full effect.

It acts as a positive modulator and decreases the rate of receptor desensitization.

This typically manifests as a controlled and prolonged neurological stimulation effect.

Anaracetam has been known to aid in holistic and collective thinking or “putting the pieces of the puzzle together” figuratively.

It also increases the blood flow in the area of the brain known for this called the association cortex.

Red light therapy works from the inside-out to enhance mitochondrial function in cells.

This, in turn, leads to several skin benefits. Red light decreases skin inflammation, smooths skin tone, repairs sun damage, fades scars and stretch marks, and even builds collagen in the skin, which reduces wrinkles.

It also heals wounds and can prevent recurring cold sores or herpes simplex. Red light works on the lymphatic system to improve your body’s detoxification abilities by increasing blood flow.

It may even stimulate hair growth in your hair follicles.

Trio-hack 3

When I work out, my favorite trio-hack is the gymnastic rings. It works out three things at once and is a lot harder to do reps than normal weights.

Not only does it work on your strength, but also your stabilizing muscles as well as your range of motion of your joints.

To perform staples like skin the cat, dips, and pull-ups, your whole body has to work out and not just certain body parts.

Plus your core and your stabilizing muscles are firing on all the time to keep you in balance and to compensate for your weight shifts.

Plus your rotator cuffs and joints are continuously being stretched and that makes you have a greater range of motion. This, in turn, keeps your body supple.

Gymnastic rings are bar none, the most effective tool, and the most bang for your buck in strength training.

As an added bonus, they are totally portable. Just find a horizontal branch or a monkey bar at a park and you got a mobile gym!

Ok, kids, that’s all I got for now. I’m super interested in what other creative Trio-hacks you guys can think of as well.

Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow me on social media. I have tons of interesting tips and tricks to share with you!

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