We all have dreams and aspirations we would love to realize but the road is paved with many obstacles in our way. Finding an amazing Mentor is the first step that should be considered in the process. They will help you fast track your efforts and inspire you to grow into the person you were meant to be. No matter what you’re into or what you want to achieve in life, someone’s already been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt. Finding an amazing Mentor is a great way to ” stand on the shoulder of giants.” They can shave off years of mistakes and pitfalls that you may encounter in your quest for greatness. If you have a few Mentors already, congratulations, you’re on the right path! If not, a great way to find the right one is to start digging into books, podcasts, youtube videos, and audiobooks for starters. Even if you already follow someone, not all Mentors are equal. Try to find the best one as humanly possible. For example, if you want to study Buddhism, you can either just learn from a Buddhist monk or the Dalai Llama. What’s the difference, you’re still learning Buddhism. The difference is the caliber of education you will be getting from the teachings of the Mentor. Twenty minutes of learning from the Dalai Llama does not equal twenty minutes learning from a normal Buddhist monk. Do you get the idea? Once you found the cream of the crop of whatever topic you’re passionate about, now what? There are still a million and one choices out there so how do you decide who to follow? May I make a suggestion? Find someone who is a true innovator in the area of your interest but also has a moral compass. Meaning they exceed in what they do and also is in the service of others and tries to make the world a better place.

We pride ourselves on being the most intelligent and sophisticated animals on the planet. This gift can be our greatest salvation or the cause of our ultimate destruction. We as humans have the potential to use our higher awareness to either be selfish and take from others and the planet till there’s nothing left. Or we can recognize that we are actually all interconnected. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So to destroy each other or the planet for material gain is to destroy ourselves. There are many influencers in the world. There are some that think in terms of “only me” and there are others who think in terms of “Globally.”

Here are some questions you should keep in mind to help you choose a good mentor
•1 Are they conscious people who genuinely want to make this world a better place?
•2 Do they encourage you to reach your highest potential in your own way?
•3 Are they part of the movement in using their power and influence to advance our collective consciousness?
Choose your mentors wisely. They are a reflection of who you will become. It’s time for a universal paradigm shift. Let’s all think in terms of WE, not me.

My mentors are Tom Bilyeu, Dave Asprey, and Lewis Howes for the mind.
The Iceman (Wim Hof), Ben greenfield and Siim land for the body.
Jay Shetty, Vishen Lakhiani, and Dr. Joe Dispenza for the spirit.
Who are your mentors and why do they inspire you? Please feel free to share your choices below!

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