Mind Body Spirit Strong. All Day Long

9 Most Effective  Ways to Change from the Inside Out

9 Most Effective Ways to Change from the Inside Out

Are you stuck in a job, relationship, or life situation that you hate? Do you find yourself always daydreaming of something or someone that you would rather have instead? Maybe you’ve made some feeble attempts at finding something better but the cards seemed stacked against you. It seems that no matter how hard you try, you can’t find the right person, dream job, or improve your environment that you find yourself stuck in for so long. It seems like the universe is against you and you’re doomed to settling for what you have forever. Here’s a crazy thought. Maybe you need to change and be the best version of yourself and therefore attract the best things to you naturally.

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6 Best Biohacks to Optimize Your Sleep

6 Best Biohacks to Optimize Your Sleep

Sleep is one of the most overlooked factors for optimal health. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need at least 8 hours of rest to achieve this goal. The largest study of over 1.1 million people showed that it’s quality, not quantity, that matters most. The researchers found that the participants who slept an average of 6.5 hours a night were able to function at a higher level than those who slept for 8 hours or more. These are the ways you can optimize your sleep.

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8 Optimal Ways You Can Build and Sustain Energy

8 Optimal Ways You Can Build and Sustain Energy

We are all energy beings. The choices we make each day either give us energy or steal it away. We only have a finite amount of energy before it runs out and we cannot function properly. Then our productivity goes out the window and we’re left just spinning our wheels. We can find ourselves being busy but not very efficient, or getting exhausted and needing more downtime to recuperate. The more you are aware of this fact, the more you can take measures to build energy throughout the day and avoid energy vampires

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Best 3 Inspiring Stories of Overcoming Impossible Odds!

Best 3 Inspiring Stories of Overcoming Impossible Odds!

So what's your excuse for not reaching your fullest potential? We all have challenges and seemingly insurmountable odds against us in our quest for greatness. Below are shining examples of fellow humans that have faced impossible adversities and have conquered them...

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Tri-inspiration of the day – Music for motivation

Tri-inspiration of the day – Music for motivation

Listening to different kinds of music can be such an amazing motivational tool in your life. Different music influences you in different ways and you can use all that amazing energy to fuel you in all your creative endeavors. Heres's some amazing music to stimulate...

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The Importance of Finding a Mentor

The Importance of Finding a Mentor

We all have dreams and aspirations we would love to realize but the road is paved with many obstacles in our way. Finding an amazing Mentor is the first step that should be considered in the process. They will help you fast track your efforts and inspire you to grow...

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9  Most Harmful Effects of Electronics

9 Most Harmful Effects of Electronics

We are living in an amazing time right now with the rapid breakthroughs in science and technology. It seems every year, there is another invention or gadget to help us be more productive and work longer on all our endeavors. However, things are not always peachy in our modern-day electronic paradise. There is a downside to all these technological advancements. Mainly in the way these electronics are having a negative effect on our bodies and functions.

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9 Amazing Benefits of Water Fasting You Should Know About

9 Amazing Benefits of Water Fasting You Should Know About

Before trying Fasting After Fasting My Personal Experience with Water Fasting We've been fed a lie for so long by the huge conglomerates that control our food chain. How many times have you heard people saying things like, “ You need to eat 3 square meals a day or...

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